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Tuition and Fees 

2023-2024 Annual Tuition


Infant Community (starting at 6 weeks of age)                 7:30 am-3:00 pm                


Young Child's Community (starting at ~12 months)       7:30 am-3:00 pm                 


Primary Program (2 1/2 - 6 years)                                       7:30am-3:00pm               


Extended Day (available in Primary Program only)        3:00pm-4:00pm       


Additional Fees


Enrollment Fee (non-refundable)


Upon admission, there is a one-time $200 enrollment fee for all programs. 


Annual Supply Fees (non-refundable)


Infant Community:                           

Young Child's Community:             

Primary Program:                              


Late Fee pick up after 3:00:           

Late Fee pick up after 4:00:           




Tuition Payment Options


Tuition may be paid annually, semi-annually or monthly.


*Monthly payments are due on the 1st of each month beginning August 1st and ending May 1st.  Tuition will be withdrawn via bank draft unless prepaid.












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