Currently, our Primary Programs include 60 students from 2 1/2 through 6 years of age. Daily life here at The Montessori School of Bowling Green functions much the same as a small community. Here, we work, discover, play, eat, rest, and interact with each other daily.
The Primary Montessori classroom focuses on these areas:
Practical Life Lessons in grace and courtesy, care of self and of the environment
Sensorial development and refinement of the senses, exploration of abstract concepts such as shapes, length, width and height
Language lessons including phonetic recognition of individual sounds paving the way toward reading, cursive writing and a study of word functions
Geometry and Mathematics Concrete materials for basic concepts (understanding quantity then numerals for 0-10, teens, tens and the decimal system), memorization of operations, exploration of fractions, introduction to geometric shapes
Geography and Science Manipulative materials for organizing the biological and physical world including globes, land & water formations, zoology, the study of hemispheres, continents, countries, capitals, states, provinces
MSBG art lessons are designed to encourage exploration into the creative potential within each child. Emphasis is placed on art processes rather than end results. Students are offered lessons that encourage their further exploration into painting, sculpting, pasting, cutting, etc. as part of their daily routine.
School Landscaping and Gardening:
All children have the opportunity to work in the garden and participate in beautification projects and ground maintenance. Outdoors, the children may choose to water plants and flowers, weed gardens, harvest vegetables from the garden, collect leaves in autumn, and cut flowers for indoor flower arranging.
Environmental Awareness and Peace:
At MSBG, children are made aware of larger environmental concerns and stewardship practices. Within the classroom, the children recycle and compost their lunch scraps. Daily, we take recycling to outdoor bins, deposit compose waste into our compost pile, fill bird and squirrel feeders, and discuss ways in which we can positively contribute to the environment. Emphasis is placed on solving problems peacefully through conversation. Assisting the children by strengthening their compassion for all living things is a very important part of our program at MSBG. We often discuss and learn about peaceful leaders including Ghandi, Maria Montessori, Mother Teresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks.
Our after school activities include art instruction with Miss Rosanna, Mighty Kicks soccer program with Zach Salchli and dance with Tippi Toes.